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Green Dragon is a spectacular plant. It is one of those plants that are special because of the shape of the flower. The tongue of the dragon, actually the spandix of the flower, rises out , is covered by the spathe, the dragon. The plant flowers in late May into late June. The flower is green.


 The sex of the plant varies in times of stress and when young they tend to be male. The females bear the berries. The male plants tend to go dormant sooner. I have found ripe berries are few and far betwwen. 

The leaves are 2 inches wide and 7 inches long they are aranged in a horse shoe pattern with 5 to 15 leaflets The leaves are attractive dark green and generally hold up well through out the growing summer. It makes an excellent conversation piece. 

Green Dragon grows from a tuber. The fall is the best time for planting bare root because the plant goes dormant and can be treated like daffodils and tulips and other bulbs. The new roots grow in late winter, early spring and the plant emerges in late May here in NY. The plant contains crystals of calcium oxalate and must be handled with care. Some people develop a rash when handling the tubers and seeds.

Green Dragon  is quite easy to grow, given the right conditions. The soil should be acid, and rich. They like a moist soil and will go dormant early from lack of moisture.

When grown in an area Green Dragon likes it will spread naturally. The tubers form off sets that grow into new plants the following spring. 

Arisaema dracontium - Green Dragon

Limited Stock - Contact for Availability
  • -An unusual and interesting plant

    -Grows in shade to part shade

    -The toungue of the dragon (spathe) extends out of the Dragon (spadix), very captivating

    -Grows from a corm

    -Will grow in very moist soils

    -Green flowers

    -Height: 1 to 3 feet tall

    -Zone: 4 to 9

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