Have dry shade? Here is a terrific plant for your site. You can use Appalachian sedge as a ground cover. It's fine texture and fountain shape will add so much value in your woodland garden. The foliage moves in the wind creating sweeping motions. Even when there is no wind the patterns you plant it in can create edges or whorls. Use your imagination. Appalachian Sedge can be used as a lawn substitute that requires little maintenance but does take some time to establish because this is a clump forming grass so it does not spread quickly.
Appalachian Sedge has greenish flowers and seed heads, and while they are small they are attractive. The leaves all start at the base of the plant giving it its fountain shape. The leaves can grow to a foot long. This plant is adaptable to many sites but is not tolerant of excessive moisture. Great for woodland and woodland edge gardens because it is happy in shade to part shade.
Appalachian Sedge is happy in oontainers too. This plant is also a good companion for false Solomon's seal, may apple, wild columbine, early meadow rue, wild geranium and merry bells. For late summer and fall add white or blue wood aster and blue stemmed golden or zig-zag goldenrod. They all will grow in the same setting they will make your ground cover layer rich in habit quality. This means these companions in combination with Appalachian sedge provide cover, pollen, nectar and seeds for a wide variety of animals.
Carex appalachica, Appalachian sedge
Limited Stock - Contact for Availability
-A sedge in shade or part shade
-tolerates dry soils -fountain shape,fine texture
-Provides cover for animals
-Height: 12 inches
-Zone: 3 to 8