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Foam flower is an excellent ground cover for shady areas. The flowers are white, spiky, star shaped that "foam" above the plant on 8" stems. Foam Flower is quite a lovely sight in the spring. Usually flowering in the Springwater area in May, it is one of the most charming spring flowers. Foam flower looks especially nice with the leaves of wild ginger and the flowers of wild columbine. Foam flower also combines nicely with blue flowers such as woodland phlox.

The maple-like leaves are a rich green color turning maroon in the fall. Foam flower 's leaves are semi-evergreen and new leaves emerge in the spring about the same time as the flowers pop up tight in bud. The plant spreads quickly in the right spot. Foam flower needs woodland conditions. They should be planted in moist shady areas. Not wet, but high in organic matter.

I use foam flower at the edges of my garden. Foam flower stays neat and attractive all summer, it makes a wonderful companion for plants that go dormant early such as tooth wort and trout lily.

Tiarella cordifolia - Foam flower

  • -Foam flower is a quick growing ground cover for a shady area -Foam like white flowers light up the shade garden -Many insects use the flower's nectar -Height: 3 to 10 inches tall -Zones: 3 to 9

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